Testimonials Reviews
While on vacation, we had the time of our life at Seaside Creative Studio. I have never picked up a paintbrush before, something I always wanted to do. Look I painted a sunset and my face!
Beth Ann
5 stars out of 5. "I have always wanted to take oil painting lessons, and I feel lucky that I found Seaside Creative Art Studio to learn at. Jeannie is an award-winning oil painter in her own right (the photos of her paintings really do not do their realism and complexity justice!) and her joy for art and teaching make the learning experience relaxing and fun. My boyfriend Derrick came with me, and we painted mountains together. I look forward to taking more lessons!".
Cindy and Derrick
Debbie & Jay
Featured Products
Classes: 2-4 hours
Workshops: 1-3 days
We had a blast and learned a lot. We had no idea how to paint a sunset with vibrant colors, but it turned out to be a masterpiece. It was a wonderful evening. We are definitely coming back.